1. Define Set of Books
2. Decide how to use Account Generator
3. Define Transaction Flexfield Structure
4. Define Descriptive Flexfields
5. Define Organization
6. Define Sales Tax Location Flexfield structure
7. Define AutoCash Rule Sets
8. Define Receivable Lookups
9. Define Demand Class Lookups
10. Define Auto Invoice Line Ordering Rules
11. Define AutoInvoice Grouping Rules
12. Define Application Rule Sets
13. Define System Options
14. Set up Flexible Address Formats
15. Maintain Countries and Territories
16. Define Payment Terms
17. Assign Reporting Set of Books
18. Define Accounting Rules
19. Open Accounting periods
20. Define Auto Accounting
21. Set Up Cash Basis Accounting Methods
22. Define Transaction Types
23. Define Transaction Sources
24. Define Collectors
25. Define Approval Limits
26. Define Remittance Banks
27. Define Distribution Sets
28. Define Receivables Activities
29. Define Receipt Classes
30. Define Receipt Methods
31. Define Receipt Sources
32. Define Aging Buckets
33. Define Statement Cycles
34. Define Standard Messages
35. Maintain Dunning Letters
36. Maintain Dunning Letters Sets
37. Define Territories
38. Define Sales Persons
39. Define System Profile Options
40. Define Customer Profile Classes
41. Define Customers
42. Define Remit to Addresses
43. Define Customer Relationships
44. Define Lockboxes
45. Define Transmission Formats
46. Define Receipt Programs
47. Define Unit of Measure Classes
48. Define Unit of Measure
49. Define Standard Memo Lines
50. Set Up Cross Currency Receipts
51. Tax Locations and Rates
52. Define Tax Codes and Rates
53. Define Tax Exceptions
54. Set Up Vendor Extension
55. Define Document Sequences
56. Provision Reserve Maintenance
57. Refresh AR Transactions Summary Tables
Step 1 [Oracle Required/ERP Required]
Defining Set Of Books
Level: Enterprise (needs to be completed for each Set of Books)
Navigator: Setup > Financials > Books > Define
Purpose: Define a set of books and budgetary control options.
Step 2 [Oracle Required/ERP Optional]
Decide how to use Account Generator
Level: Enterprise
Change Responsibility to System Administrator
Navigator: Application > Flexfield > Key > Accounts
Purpose: To define AR system guidelines to control how AR works.
Step 3 [Oracle Optional/ERP Optional]
Define Transaction Flexfield Structure
Level: Operating Unit
Navigator: Application > Flexfield > Descriptive > Segments
Purpose: To record and customize the territory information (Categorizing customer information). Territory Flexfields are also displayed in the Transaction Detail & Customer Detail reports in AR. AR provides a default structure for this territory flexfield.
Step 4 [Oracle Optional/ERP Optional]
Define Descriptive Flexfields
Level: Enterprise
Navigator: Application > Flexfield > Descriptive > Segments
Purpose: To record and report item information. Must design and configure System Item Flexfield before defining items. All Oracle Applications products that reference Items share the System Item Flexfield and support multiple segment implementations. However, this flexfield supports only one structure.
Step 5 [Oracle Required/ERP Required]
Define Organization
Level: Enterprise
Change Responsibility to Receivables Manager
Navigator: Setup > Systems > Organizations > Organizations
Purpose: To define an organization and any related information. Receivables requires that one organization be defined for the application. Oracle provides one default organization entitled ‘Setup Business Group’. For the purposes of Oracle Accounts Receivable only the classification of Business Group must be enabled.
Step 6 [Oracle Required/ERP Required]
Define Sales Tax Location Flexfield structure
Level: Operating Unit
Navigator: Setup > Financials > Flexfields > Key > Segments
Purpose: To perform sales tax calculations and address validation. Also to enter & update locations & associate tax rates. Use this flexfield if customers are charged tax based on shipping address and also if customers’ addresses will be validated.
Step 7 [Oracle Optional/ERP Optional]
Define AutoCash Rule Sets
Level: Enterprise
Navigator: Setup > Receipts > AutoCash Rule Sets
Purpose: To define the AutoCash rule sets AR is to use for receipt applications. AutoCash rule sets determine the sequence of AutoCash Rules that AR uses when automatically applying receipts to open debit items.
Step 8 [Oracle Optional/ERP Optional]
Define Receivable Lookups
Level: Enterprise
Navigator: Setup > System > QuickCodes > Receivables
Purpose: To maintain AR QuickCodes. QuickCodes help speed data entry. Oracle provides some seeded values, but if additional values are needed follow the example below for CREDIT_RATING to create new ones.
Step 9 [Oracle Optional/ERP Optional]
Define Demand Class Lookups
Level: Enterprise
Navigator: Set Up > System > QuickCodes > Demand Class
Purpose: To segregate scheduled demand and supply into groups, so that you can track and consume the groups independently.
Step 10 [Oracle Optional/ERP Optional]
Define Auto Invoice Line Ordering Rules
Level: Operating Unit
Navigator: Set Up > Transactions > AutoInvoice > Line Ordering Rules
Purpose: To define and review ordering rules for invoice lines that are imported into AR using AutoInvoice. AutoInvoice uses these rules to order invoice lines when it groups the transactions that it creates into invoices, debit memos, and credit memos. This is not site specific if Auto Invoice does not exist.
Step 11 [Oracle Optional/ERP Optional]
Define AutoInvoice Grouping Rules
Level: Enterprise
Navigator: Setup > Transactions > AutoInvoice > Grouping Rules
Purpose: To define revenue and credit transactions grouping rules. This form can also be used to review and maintain grouping rules.
Step 12 [Oracle Optional/ERP Optional]
Define Application Rule Sets
Level: Enterprise
Navigator: Setup > System > Application Rule Sets
Purpose: Application rule sets specify the default payment steps for your receipt applications and how discounts affect the open balance for each type of associated charges.
Default is Line First Tax After
Step 13 [Oracle Required/ERP Required]
Define System Options
Level: Operating Unit
Navigator: Setup > System > System Options
Purpose: To define system guidelines to control how AR works. All the data contained in this form is one record in the database. If you need to delete the information in a field on the form use \ Navigate Field Delete. If you use \ Navigate Row Erase the entire record will be erased.
Step 14 [Oracle Optional/ERP Optional]
Set up Flexible Address Formats
Level: Operating Unit
Navigator: Setup > System > Countries
If the standard address format (Country, Address Line 1-4, City, State, Postal Code, Province and County) suits your business needs, you do not need to use the flexible address formats feature.
Alternatively, you can associate address styles with countries to enable you to enter addresses in country specific formats throughout Receivables. This lets you enter addresses in the style most appropriate to the country in which you or your customers conduct business. Receivables also offer the functionality to perform country specific validation upon entry of addresses.
To implement flexible address formats; you need to assign an address style to a country in the Maintain Countries and Territories window.
Step 15 [Oracle Optional/ERP Optional]
Maintain Countries and Territories
Level: Operating Unit
Switch responsibility to Receivables Manager
Navigator: Setup > System > Countries
Purpose: To maintain country and territory information. You can create your own address styles by creating a descriptive flexfield.
Step 16 [Oracle Required/ERP Required]
Define Payment Terms
Level: Operating Unit
Navigator: Setup > System > System Options
Purpose: To define system guidelines to control how AR works.
Step 17 [Oracle Optional/ERP Optional]
Assign Reporting Set of Books
Level: Operating Unit
Purpose: To maintain transactions and account balances in multiple currencies.
Step 18 [Oracle Optional/ERP Optional]
Define Accounting Rules
Level: Enterprise
Navigator: Setup > Transactions > Accounting Rules
Purpose: To define Accounting rules to create revenue recognition schedules for invoices. Accounting rules determine when revenue should be recognized. Some accounting and invoicing rules have seeded values, which will be automatically created in the conversion. The seeded values Advance Invoice and Arrears Invoice, are Invoicing Rules and Immediate is an Accounting Rule.
Step 19 [Oracle Required/ERP Required]
Open Accounting periods
Level: Operating Unit
Navigator: Control > Accounting > Open/Close Periods
Purpose: To open and close accounting periods in receivables calendar. AR references the statutes of these accounting periods to control transaction entry creation to GL. Open the appropriate accounting periods based on implementation date.
Step 20 [Oracle Required/ERP Required]
Define Auto Accounting
Level: Operating Unit (non GSL Operating Unit ONLY)
Navigator: Setup > Transactions > AutoAccounting
Purpose: Use this form before entering any transactions to specify how you want AR is to determine the GL accounts for the transactions. Be sure to verify that the accounts listed are still current and valid.
Step 21 [Oracle Optional/ERP Optional]
Set Up Cash Basis Accounting Methods
Level: Operating Unit
Step 22 [Oracle Required/ERP Required]
Define Transaction Types
Level: Operating Unit
Navigator: Setup > Transactions > Transaction Types
Purpose: To define debit memo, credit memo, on-account credit, chargeback, deposit, guarantee, and invoice transaction types. Oracle seeded values are credit memo, invoice, project accounting credit memo, and project accounting invoice. Enter a Transaction Type where Class is equal to Credit Memo before entering a transaction type where Class is equal to Invoice.
If you want to be able to apply debit memos against specific invoices (versus opening up a new receivable) you will need to set up a Transaction Type named Debit Memo but with a class of ‘Credit’. Set the ‘Creation Sign’ to ‘Positive’.
Step 23 [Oracle Required/ERP Required]
Define Invoice (Transaction) Sources
Level: Operating Unit
Navigator: Setup > Transactions > Sources
Purpose: To define debit memo, credit memo, deposit, guarantee, and invoice batch sources. Oracle seeded values are chargeback, debit memo reversal, manual-other, and project accounting invoice. If you create a transaction source with the type ‘imported’ certain setups that are not required for other transaction source types may be mandatory or recommended.
Step 24 [Oracle Required/ERP Required]
Define Collectors
Level: Enterprise
Navigator: Setup > Collections > Collectors
Purpose: To define receivables collectors. Displays active collectors and their descriptions as QuickPick choices in the Set Up Customer Profile Classes, Maintain Customer Profiles, and Record A Call forms. Oracle provides a seeded value of ‘Default’.
Step 25 [Oracle Required/ERP Required]
Define Approval Limits
Level: Operating Unit
Navigator: Setup > Transactions > Approval Limits
Purpose: To define adjustment approval limits for each user. Oracle provides a seeded value of ‘Default’.
Step 26 [Oracle Required/ERP Required]
Define Remittance Banks
Level: Operating Unit
Navigator: Setup > Receipts > Banks
Purpose: To enter bank branches, bank accounts, and payment documents for your set of books.
Step 27 [Oracle Optional/ERP Optional]
Define Distribution Sets
Level: Operating Unit
Navigator: Setup > Receipts > Distribution Sets
Purpose: To create receivables distribution sets for the receipts payments (refunds, revenue from sale of stock, interest income, and investment income)
Step 28 [Oracle Required/ERP Required]
Define Receivables Activities
Level: Operating Unit
Navigator: Setup > Receipts > Receivable Activities
Purpose: Oracle provides seeded values of Chargeback Adjustment, Chargeback Reversal, and Debit Memo Reversal.
Step 29 [Oracle Required/ERP Required]
Define Receipt Classes
Level: Enterprise
Navigator: Setup > Receipts > Receipt Classes
Purpose: To define the processing steps that will be required to decide whether receipt is prepared manually or automatically.
Step 30 [Oracle Required/ERP Required]
Define Receipt Methods
Level: Enterprise (For each new Operating Unit, this need to be completed)
Navigator: Setup > Receipts > Receipt Classes
Purpose: To define the processing steps that will be required for the payment methods.
Step 31 [Oracle Required/ERP Required]
Define Receipt Sources
Level: Operating Unit
Navigator: Setup > Receipts > Receipt Sources
Purpose: To define receipt sources. Assign Accounting Flexfield information by selecting a payment method to which receipt and discount activities have been assigned.
Step 32 [Oracle Optional/ERP Optional]
Define Aging Buckets
Level: Enterprise
Navigator: Set Up > Collections > Aging Buckets
Purpose: To define the aging buckets needed to meet the reporting needs. Use aging buckets to review receivables position by the time periods defined.
Step 33 [Oracle Optional/ERP Optional]
Define Statement Cycles
Level: Operating Unit
Navigator: Setup > Print > Statements Cycle
Purpose: To define customer statement cycles. Use statement cycles to determine when statements are sent to customers.
Step 34 [Oracle Optional/ERP Optional]
Define Standard Messages
Level: Operating Unit
Navigator: Setup > Print > Standard Messages
Purpose: To define standard messages that the system will print on the bottom of customers’ statements.
Step 35 [Oracle Optional/ERP Optional]
Maintain Dunning Letters
Level: Operating Unit
Navigator: Setup > Print > Dunning Letters
Purpose: To specify general criteria about dunning letters such as status and review date. Use dunning letters to inform customers of past due invoices, debit memos, and chargebacks.
Step 36 [Oracle Optional/ERP Optional]
Maintain Dunning Letters Sets
Level: Operating Unit
Navigator: Setup > Print > Dunning Letters Sets
Purpose: To group dunning letters into sets. Standard is the default but others can be added.
Step 37 [Oracle Optional/ERP Optional]
Define Territories
Level: Operating Unit
Navigator: Setup > Transactions > Territories
Purpose: To define customer territory combinations Territories can be assigned to customers, salespeople, invoices, and commitments.
Step 38 [Oracle Required/ERP Required]
Define Sales Persons
Level: Operating Unit
Navigator: Setup > Transactions> Salespersons
Purpose: To enter salespersons and assign sales credit to them when invoices are entered.
Step 39 [Oracle Required/ERP Required]
Define System Profile Options
Change responsibilities to System Administrator
Level: Enterprise
Navigator: Profile > System
Step 40 [Oracle Required/ERP Required]
Define Customer Profile Classes
Level: Enterprise
Change responsibilities to Receivables Manager
Navigator: Customers > Profile Classes
Purpose: To define standard profile classes. When a profile class is assigned to a customer, AR defaults in the information entered to the customer’s profile. Oracle provides
seeded value of ‘Default’.
Step 41 [Oracle Required/ERP Required]
Define Customers
Level: Operating Unit
Navigator: Customers > Standard
Purpose: To enter new customers, make changes to existing customer information, and inactivate customers.
Step 42 [Oracle Required/ERP Required]
Define Remit to Addresses
Level: Operating Unit
Navigator: Setup > Print > Remit-To Addresses
Purpose: To maintain customer’s remit-to-addresses. The remit-to address is where the customer sends payments. At least one default remit-to address must be defined before AutoInvoice is run.
Step 43 [Oracle Optional/ERP Optional]
Define Customer Relationships
Level: Operating Unit
Navigator: Customers > Standards
Purpose: Define relationships between customers to control payment and commitment application. You can create relationships between any customers and indicate that the relationship is either one–way or reciprocal. Customer Relationships are established per site business process.
Step 44 [Oracle Optional/ERP Optional]
Define Lockboxes
Level: Operating Unit
Navigator: Setup > Receipts > Lockboxes > LockBoxes
Purpose: To define lockboxes that will be used by Oracle Financials
Step 45 [Oracle Optional/ERP Optional]
Define Transmission Formats
Level: Enterprise
Navigator: Setup > Receipts > Lockboxes > Transmission Formats
Purpose: To define transmission formats used by Oracle Receivables Automatic Lockbox Transmission. Contact your bank for their transmission format.
Step 46 [Oracle Optional/ERP Optional]
Define Receipt Programs
Level: Enterprise/Operating Unit
Navigator: Setup > Receipts > Receipt Classes
Purpose: To create Automatic Receipts, define additional receipt or remittance format program.
Step 47 [Oracle Required/ERP Required]
Define Unit of Measure Classes
Level: Operating Unit
Navigator: Setup > System > Units of Measure > Classes
Purpose: To define and update unit of measure classes used during tracking, issuing, purchasing, and storing inventory items. If not using the inventory module, then you must set up one UOM class. If using the Inventory module, this will be defined in the Inventory setup process.
Step 48 [Oracle Required/ERP Required]
Define Unit of Measure
Level: Operating Unit
Navigator: Setup > System > Units of Measure > UOM
**This is automatically done when the classes are defined**
Purpose: To define and update units of measure for tracking, issuing, purchasing, receiving, and storing inventory items. If not using the inventory module, then you must set up one UOM. If using the Inventory module, this will be done in the Inventory setup process.
Step 49 [Oracle Optional/ERP Optional]
Define Standard Memo Lines
Level: Operating Unit
Navigator: Setup > Transactions > Memo Lines
Purpose: Define standard line items for debit memos, on-account credits, debit memo reversals, chargebacks and invoices.
Step 50 [Oracle Optional/ERP Optional]
Set Up Cross Currency Receipts
Level: Enterprise
This is a profile option setting.
Step 51 [Oracle Required/ERP Required]
Tax Locations and Rates
Level: Operating Unit
Navigator: Setup > Tax > Locations
Purpose: To enter and update your tax locations and their associated tax rates. Used in countries that are not using VAT or Sales Tax tax structure.
Step 52 [Oracle Required/ERP Required]
Define Tax Codes and Rates
Level: Operating Unit
Navigator: Setup > Tax > Codes
Purpose: Use this form to enter tax codes and rates.
Step 53 [Oracle Required/ERP Required]
Define Tax Exceptions
Level: Operating Unit
Navigator: Setup > Tax > Exemptions
Purpose: Use this form to fully or partially exempt a customer or item from a specific tax code.
Step 54 [Oracle Optional/ERP Optional]
Set Up Vendor Extension
Level: Operating Unit
Purpose: To integrate external tax calculations programs with Oracle Applications. These setups are handled within other steps listed (i.e. quick codes, system options, profile options, tax location structure, and tax codes).
Step 55 [Oracle Optional/ERP Optional]
Define Document Sequences
Level: Operating Unit
Navigator: Setup > Financials > Books
Purpose: Document sequence numbers are unique numbers, which can be assigned to transactions in AR. This allows you to account for every transaction entered in AR.
Must be completed by an associate with a System Administrator responsibility. To Implement Document Sequences, you must perform the following setup steps:
Enable the Sequential Profile Option (required-Sys Adm responsibility -Update System Profile Options form)) - Always Used, Partially Used, or Not Used
· Assign a Sequence to a category (required-Sys Adm responsibility )
· For a complete description of Sequential Numbering see Oracle Receivables Reference Manual and the Oracle Applications system Administration Reference Manual)
Step 56 [Oracle Optional/ERP Required]
Provision Reserve Maintenance
Level: Operating Unit
Navigator: Provisioning > Provisioning Maintenance
Step 57 [Oracle Required/ERP Required]
Provision Reserve Maintenance
Level: Operating Unit
Change Responsibility to
Navigator: Provisioning > Provisioning Maintenance
Entering the standard transaction types as provisioning invoice types will ensure the global accounting standards are adhered to and all setups are entered as each OU is created.
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