
Key Tables: Financials

General Ledger


Stores information about the sets of books you define in your Oracle General Ledger application. Each row includes the set of books name, description, functional currency, and other information. This table corresponds to the Set of Books form.

Stores individual transactions from subledgers that have been summarized into Oracle General Ledger journal entry lines through the Journal Import process. You can specify the journal entry sources for which you want to maintain your transaction’s origin by entering ’Yes’ in the Import Journal References field of the Journal Sources form.
For each source that has Import Journal References set to ’Yes’, Oracle General Ledger will populate GL_IMPORT_REFERENCES with one record for each transaction in your feeder system.

Stores the daily conversion rates for foreign currency transactions. It replaces the GL_DAILY_CONVERSION_RATES table. It stores the rate to use when converting between two currencies for a given conversion date and conversion type. Each row in this table has a corresponding inverse row in which the from and to currencies are switched.
For example, if this table contains a row with a from_currency of YEN, a to_currency of CND, a conversion_type of Spot, and a conversion_date of January 1, 1997, it will also contain a row with a from_currency of CND, a to_currency of YEN, a conversion_type of Spot, and a conversion_date of January 1, 1997.
In general, this row will contain a rate that is the inverse of the matching row. One should never insert directly into this table. They should instead insert into the DAILY_RATES_INTERFACE table. Data inserted into the GL_DAILY_RATES_INTERFACE table will be automatically copied into this table.

Stores the journal entry lines that you enter in the Enter Journals form. There is a one–to–many relationship between journal entries and journal entry lines. Each row in this table stores the associated journal entry header ID, the line number, the associated code combination ID, and the debits or credits associated with the journal line. STATUS is ’U’ for unposted or ’P’ for posted.

Stores information about the accounting periods you define using the Accounting Calendar form. Each row includes the start date and end date of the period, the period type, the fiscal year, the period number, and other information. There is a one–to–many relationship between a row in the GL_PERIOD_SETS table and rows inthis table.

Stores journal entries. There is a one–to–many relationship between journal entry batches and journal entries. Each row in this table includes the associated batch ID, the journal entry name and description, and other information about the journal entry. This table corresponds to the Journals window of the Enter Journals form. STATUS is ’U’ for unposted, ’P’ for posted. Other statuses indicate that an error condition was found. CONVERSION_FLAG equal to ’N’ indicates that you manually changed a converted amount in the Journal Entry Lines zone of a foreign currency journal entry. In this case, the posting program does not re–convert your foreign amounts. This can happen only if your user profile option MULTIPLE_RATES_PER_JE is ’Yes’. BALANCING_SEGMENT_VALUE is null if there is only one balancing segment value in your journal entry. If there is more than one, BALANCING_SEGMENT_VALUE is the greatest balancing segment value in your journal entry.

Stores journal entry batches. Each row includes the batch name, description, status, running total debits and credits, and other information. This table corresponds to the Batch window of the Enter Journals form. STATUS is ’U’ for unposted, ’P’ for posted, ’S’ for selected, ’I’ for in the process of being posted. Other values of status indicate an error condition. STATUS_VERIFIED is ’N’ when you create or modify an unposted journal entry batch.
The posting program changes STATUS_VERIFIED to ’I’ when posting is in process and ’Y’ after posting is complete.

Stores actual, budget, and encumbrance balances for detail and summary accounts. This table stores functional currency, foreign currency, and statistical balances for each accounting period that has ever been opened.
ACTUAL_FLAG is either ’A’, ’B’, or ’E’ for actual, budget, or encumbrance balances, respectively. If ACTUAL_FLAG is ’B’, then BUDGET_VERSION_ID is required. If ACTUAL_FLAG is ’E’, then ENCUMBRANCE_TYPE_ID is required.
GL_BALANCES stores period activity for an account in the PERIOD_NET_DR and PERIOD_NET_CR columns. The table stores the period beginning balances in BEGIN_BALANCE_DR and BEGIN_BALANCE_CR.
An account’s year–to–date balance is calculated as BEGIN_BALANCE_DR – BEGIN_BALANCE_CR + PERIOD_NET_DR – PERIOD_NET_CR. Detail and summary foreign currency balances that are the result of posted foreign currency journal entries have TRANSLATED_FLAG set to ’R’, to indicate that the row is a candidate for revaluation.
For foreign currency rows, the begin balance and period net columns contain the foreign currency balance, while the begin balance and period net BEQ columns contain the converted functional currency balance. Detail foreign currency balances that are the result of foreign currency translation have TRANSLATED_FLAG set to ’Y’ or ’N’. ’N’ indicates that the translation is out of date (i.e., the account needs to be re–translated). ’Y’ indicates that the translation is current.
Summary foreign currency balances that are the result of foreign currency translation have TRANSLATED_FLAG set to NULL. All summary account balances have TEMPLATE_ID not NULL. The columns that end in ADB are not used. Also, the REVALUATION_STATUS column is notused.

Stores valid account combinations foreach Accounting Flexfield structure within your Oracle General Ledger application. Associated with each account are certain codes and flags, including whether the account is enabled, whether detail posting ordetail budgeting is allowed, and others. Segment values are stored in the SEGMENT columns. Note that each Accounting Flexfield structure may use different SEGMENT columns within the table to store the flexfield value combination. Moreover, the SEGMENT columns that are used are not guaranteed to be in any order. The Oracle Application Object Library table FND_ID_FLEX_SEGMENTS stores information about which column in this table is used for each segment of each Accounting Flexfield structure. Summary accounts have SUMMARY_FLAG = ’Y’ and TEMPLATE_ID not NULL. Detail accounts have SUMMARY_FLAG = ’N’ and TEMPLATE_ID NULL.



This table stores invoice, debit memo, commitment, and credit memo header information. Each row includes general invoice information such as customer, transaction type, and printing instructions. You need one row for each invoice, debit memo, commitment, and credit memo you create in Oracle Receivables.
Invoices, debit memos, credit memos, and commitments are all distinguished by their transaction types stored in RA_CUST_TRX_TYPES_ALL. If you entered a credit memo, PREVIOUS_CUSTOMER_TRX_ID stores the customer transaction identifier of the invoice you credited. In the case of on account credits, which are not related to any invoice at creation, PREVIOUS_CUSTOMER_TRX_ID is null. If you created an invoice against a commitment, Oracle Receivables stores the customer transaction identifier of the commitment in INITIAL_CUSTOMER_TRX_ID, otherwise it is null. COMPLETE_FLAG stores ’Y’ for Yes and ’N’ for No to indicate if your invoice is complete.
When you complete an invoice, Oracle Receivables creates your payment schedules and updates any commitments against this invoice. Before an invoice can be completed, it must have at least one invoice line, revenue records must exist for each line and add up to the line amount, and a sales tax record must exist for each line.
Required Columns:
are required even though they are null allowed. The primary key for this table is CUSTOMER_TRX_ID.

This table stores information about invoice, debit memo, credit memo, and commitment lines. For example, an invoice can have one line for Product A and another line for Product B. You need one row for each line. Invoice, debit memo, credit memo, and commitment lines are distinguished by the transaction type of the corresponding RA_CUSTOMER_TRX_ALL record.
Also, credit memos are required to have a value in PREVIOUS_CUSTOMER_TRX_LINE_ID, except on account credits which are not related to specific invoices/invoice lines at creation time, will not have values in this column. QUANTITY_ORDERED stores the amount of product ordered. QUANTITY_INVOICED stores the amount of product invoiced. For invoices entered through the window, QUANTITY_ORDERED and QUANTITY_INVOICED must be the same.
For invoices imported through AutoInvoice, QUANTITY_ORDERED and QUANTITY_INVOICED can be different. If you enter a credit memo, QUANTITY_CREDITED stores the amount of product credited. UOM_CODE stores the unit of measure code as defined in MTL_UNITS_OF_MEASURE. UNIT_STANDARD_PRICE stores the list price per unit for this transaction line. UNIT_SELLING_PRICE stores the selling price per unit for this transaction line. For transactions imported through AutoInvoice, UNIT_STANDARD_PRICE and UNIT_SELLING_PRICE can be different. DESCRIPTION, TAXING_RULE, QUANTITY_ORDERED, UNIT_STANDARD_PRICE,UOM_CODE, and UNIT_SELLING_PRICE are required even though they are null allowed.
LINE_TYPE differentiates between the different types of lines that are stored in this table. LINE points to regular invoice lines that normally refer to an item. TAX signifies that this is a tax line. The column LINK_TO_CUST_TRX_LINE_ID references another row in this table that is the invoice line associated with the row of type TAX. FREIGHT works the same way as TAX but there you can have at most one FREIGHT type l ine per invoice line of type LINE. You can also have one line of type FREIGHT that has a null LINK_TO_CUST_TRX_LINE_ID (and this is referred to as header level freight). CHARGES works just like the LINE type. A line_type of ’CB’ is created for a Chargeback line. For every row in this table that belongs to a complete transaction (where RA_CUSTOMER_TRX.COMPLETE_FLAG = Y), there must be at least one row in the table RA_CUST_TRX_LINE_GL_DIST (which stores accounting information), even for non–postable transactions. The primary key for this table is CUSTOMER_TRX_LINE_ID.

This table stores the accounting records for revenue, unearned revenue and unbilled receivables for each invoice or credit memo line. Each row includes the GL account and the amount of the accounting entry. The AMOUNT column in this table is required even though it is null allowed.
You need one row for each accounting distribution. You must have at least one (but you can have multiple) accounting distributions for each invoice or credit memo line. Oracle Receivables uses this information to post the proper amounts to your general ledger. If your invoice or credit memo has a transaction type where Post to GL is set to No, Oracle Receivables assigns Null to GL_DATE.
If your AutoAccounting is unable to complete your general ledger default accounts using the AutoAccounting rules you define, incomplete general ledger accounts are stored in CONCATENATED_SEGMENTS. If you are importing a transaction through AutoInvoice and the general ledger date of your transaction is in a closed accounting period, AutoInvoice uses the general ledger date of the first open accounting period and stores the original general ledger date in ORIGINAL_GL_DATE. ACCOUNT_CLASS defines which type of distribution row you are on.
The ACCOUNT_CLASS REC represents the receivable account and is for the total amount of the invoice. There can be at most two REC rows. One that has a ACCOUNT_SET_FLAG set to Y and the other has ACCOUNT_SET_FLAG set to N. Use LATEST_REC_FLAG to join to the later of the two rows. ACCOUNT_SET_FLAG is Y if this row is part of an account set. An account set is a set of rows that represent a model distribution. Account sets are used for invoices with rules. The rows represent how the actual distribution rows should be created and what percentage of the actual distribution should be allocated to each account.
For invoices with rules, the distributions are not created when the invoice is initially created. Instead, the invoices are created when the Revenue Recognition program is run. The primary key for this table is CUST_TRX_LINE_GL_DIST_ID.

This table stores all transactions except adjustments and miscellaneous cash receipts. Oracle Receivables updates this table when activity occurs against an invoice, debit memo, chargeback, credit memo, on account credit, or receipt. Oracle Receivables groups different transactions bythe column CLASS. These classes include invoice (INV), debit memos(DM), guarantees (GUAR), credit memos (CM), deposits (DEP),chargebacks (CB), and receipts (PMT).
Transaction classes determine which columns in this table Oracle Receivables updates when a transaction occurs, and whether a transaction relates to either the RA_CUSTOMER_TRX_ALL table or the AR_CASH_RECEIPTS_ALLtable. AR_PAYMENT_SCHEDULES_ALL joins to the RA_CUSTOMER_TRX_ALL table for non–payment transaction entries such as the creation of credit memos, debit memos, invoices, chargebacks, or deposits.
AR_PAYMENT_SCHEDULES_ALL uses the foreign key CUSTOMER_TRX_ID to join to the RA_CUSTOMER_TRX_ALL table for these transactions. AR_PAYMENT_SCHEDULES_ALL joins to the AR_CASH_RECEIPTS_ALL table for invoice–related payment transactions using the foreign key CASH_RECEIPT_ID. When a receiptis applied, Oracle Receivables updates AMOUNT_APPLIED, STATUS and AMOUNT_DUE_REMAINING. STATUS changes from ’OP’ to ’CL’for any transaction that has an AMOUNT_DUE_REMAINING value of 0(Zero).
ACTUAL_DATE_CLOSED and GL_DATE_CLOSED are populated with the date of the latest transaction. For a receipt, the amount due remaining includes on account and unapplied amounts. Oracle Receivables stores debit items such as invoices, debit memos, chargebacks, deposits, and guarantees as positive numbers in the AMOUNT_DUE_REMAINING and AMOUNT_DUE_ORIGINAL columns. Credit items such as credit memos and receipts are stored as negative numbers. In Release 10, receipts can be confirmed or not confirmed as designated by the CONFIRMED_FLAG column. The sum of the AMOUNT_DUE_REMAINING column for a customer for all confirmed payment schedules reflects the current customer balance. If this amount is negative, then this column indicates the credit balance amount currently available for this customer. For invoices with split terms, one record is created in RA_CUSTOMER_TRX_ALL and one record is stored in AR_PAYMENT_SCHEDULES_ALL for each installment. In AR_PAYMENT_SCHEDULES_ALL, DUE_DATE and AMOUNT_DUE_REMAINING can differ for each installment of a split term invoice. Each installment is differentiated by the TERMS_SEQUENCE_NUMBER column.
If you create a debit memo reversal when you reverse a receipt, Oracle Receivables creates a new payment schedule record for the debit memo and fills in REVERSED_CASH_RECEIPT_ID with the CASH_RECEIPT_ID of the receipt that was reversed. Oracle Receivables creates a new payment schedule record when you create a chargeback in the Receipts window. ASSOCIATED_CASH_RECEIPT_ID is the cash receipt of the payment you entered when you created the chargeback in this window. GL_DATE_CLOSED indicates the general ledger date on which your transaction was closed.
This column identifies which transactions Oracle Receivables selects when it displays current and overdue debit items in the aging reports. The aging reports also utilize the current balances in AMOUNT_DUE_REMAINING to display outstanding amounts for current and overdue debit items. ACTUAL_DATE_CLOSED gives the date on which you applied a payment or credit to an open transaction that set AMOUNT_DUE_REMAINING to 0 for that transaction. Oracle Receivables uses ACTUAL_DATE_CLOSED to determine which transactions to include when you print statements. The primary key for this table is PAYMENT_SCHEDULE_ID, which identifies the transaction that created the row.

This table links accounting information with your Receivables Activities. Possible types of activities include Adjustment, Miscellaneous Cash, and Finance Charges. If your type is Miscellaneous Cash, you can associate either a distribution set or a standard accounting flexfield to your Receivables Activity. Oracle Receivables uses one row for each activity. You use your receivables activities to speed receipt entry and generate finance charges. The other types of activities that were valid in release 9 and no longer valid in Release 10 were converted (as part of the upgrade) such that the actual accounting flexfield CODE_COMBINATION_ID is stored in the table instead of the RECEIVABLES_TRX_ID. In Release 9, all of these references were in AR_BATCH_SOURCES; they are now in AR_RECEIPT_METHOD_ACCOUNTS_ALL. The primary key for this table is RECEIVABLES_TRX_ID.
This table stores all accounting entries for your cash and credit memo applications. Each row includes the amount applied, status, and accounting flexfield information. Possible statuses of your applications include APP, UNAPP, ACC, and UNID. You use this information to determine the applications of your payments or credit memos. CONFIRMED_FLAG is a denormalization from AR_CASH_RECEIPTS_ALL.
If the cash receipt is not confirmed, the applications of that receipt are not reflected in the payment schedule of the transaction it is applied against. There are two kinds of applications: CASH and CM (for credit memo applications). This is stored in the column APPLICATION_TYPE.
CASH applications represent applications of a cash receipt. When a cash receipt is initially created, a row is created in this table that has a status of UNAPP for the amount of the cash receipt. Each subsequent application creates two rows – one with a status of APP for the amount being applied to the invoice and one with status UNAPP for the negative of the amount being applied. Ifyou reverse a cash application, a row with status APP with the inverse amount of the original application (i.e. the negative of the original application amount) is created. The corresponding UNAPP rows is alsocreated which will have a positive amount (the same amount as the application being reversed). For example: UNAPP 100 creation of a$100 cash receipt APP 60 application of $60 of this cash receipt UNAPP –60 this row takes away (debits) unapplied APP –60 reversal of the $60 application UNAPP 60 this rows puts back(credits) unapplied The sum of the AMOUNT_APPLIED column for CASH applications should always equal the amount of the cash receipt. CM applications, on the other hand, do not have rows of status UNAPP. They only use rows with a status of APP. CASH_RECEIPT_ID stores the cash receipt identifier of the receipt you entered. Oracle Receivables concurrently creates a record of this receipt in the AR_CASH_RECEIPTS_ALL table.
This column is null for a credit memo application. CODE_COMBINATION_ID stores valid Accounting Flexfield segment value combinations that will be credited in the General Ledger when this application is posted. A negative value in AMOUNT_APPLIED becomes a debit. The STATUS of a receivable application determines which flexfield account Oracle Receivables uses. For example, if you enter a cash receipt of $500 as Unidentified, Oracle Receivables creates a record in theAR_RECEIVABLE_APPLICATIONS_ALL table with AMOUNT_APPLIED = 500 and STATUS = ’UNID’. Oracle Receivables uses the foreign key CODE_COMBINATION_ID to associate this payment with the Unidentified flexfield account. CUSTOMER_TRX_ID, CASH_RECEIPT_ID, and PAYMENT_SCHEDULE_ID identify the transaction that you are actually applying. APPLIED_CUSTOMER_TRX_ID and APPLIED_PAYMENT_SCHEDULE_ID identify the invoice or credit memo that receives the application. For example, if you apply a receipt against an invoice, Oracle Receivables creates a record in the AR_RECEIVABLE_APPLICATIONS_ALL table. The CASH_RECEIPT_ID and the PAYMENT_SCHEDULE_ID of this record identify the receipt you are applying. APPLIED_PAYMENT_SCHEDULE_ID and APPLIED_CUSTOMER_TRX_ID for this record belong to the invoice that is receiving the application. If you apply a credit memo against the invoice, Oracle Receivables creates a record in the AR_RECEIVABLE_APPLICATIONS_ALL table that has theCUSTOMER_TRX_ID and the PAYMENT_SCHEDULE_ID of the credit memo you are applying. The APPLIED_PAYMENT_SCHEDULE_ID and the APPLIED_CUSTOMER_TRX_ID of this record belong to the invoice that is receiving the application. If you combine an on account credit and a receipt, Oracle Receivables creates a record in the AR_RECEIVABLE_APPLICATIONS_ALL table.
The PAYMENT_SCHEDULE_ID and the CASH_RECEIPT_ID of this record identify the receipt. The APPLIED_PAYMENT_SCHEDULE_ID and the APPLIED_CUSTOMER_TRX_ID of this record identify the on account credit that you are combining with the receipt. The primary key for this table is RECEIVABLE_APPLICATION_ID, which uniquely identifies the transaction that created the row.



AP_INVOICES_ALL contains records for invoices you enter. There is one row for each invoice you enter. An invoice can have one or more invoice distribution lines. An invoice can also have one or more scheduled payments. An invoice of type EXPENSE REPORT must relate to a row in AP_EXPENSE_REPORT_HEADERS_ALL unless the record has been purged from AP_EXPENSE_REPORT_HEADERS_ALL. Your Oracle Payables application uses the INTEREST type invoice for interest that itcalculates on invoices that are overdue. Your Oracle Payables application links the interest invoice to the original invoice by inserting the INVOICE_ID in the AP_INVOICE_RELATIONSHIPS table.

AP_INVOICE_DISTRIBUTIONS_ALL holds the distribution line information that you enter for invoices. There is a row for each invoice distribution. A distribution line must be associated with an invoice. An invoice can have multiple distribution lines. Your Oracle Payables application automatically creates rows in this table when:
1) you choose a distribution set at the invoice level
2) you import expense reports
3) you match an invoice to a purchase order or receipt; ituses information from the matched purchase order or receipt
4) you import invoices via the Open Interface Import process
5) you select to automatically calculate tax
6) you select to automatically do withholding.

Each invoice distribution line has its own accounting date. When you account for an invoice, your OraclePayables application creates accounting events, accounting entry headers and accounting entry lines for those distribution lines that have accounting dates included in the selected accounting date range for the Payables Accounting Process.The accounting entries can then be transferred over to General Ledger by running the Transfer to General Ledger process which creates journal entries. Values for POSTED_FLAG may be Y for accounted distributions or N for distributions that have not been accounted. Values for ACCRUAL_POSTED_FLAG may be Y if distribution has been accounted and system is set up for accrual basis accounting or N if either distribution has not been accounted or accrual basis accounting is not used. Values for CASH_POSTED_FLAG may be Y if distribution has been accounted and system is set up for cash basis accounting, N if either distribution has not been accounted or system is not set up for cash basis accounting or P if distribution has been partially accounted in the cash set of books. The MATCH_STATUS_FLAG indicates the approval status for the distribution. Values for the MATCH_STATUS_FLAG can be null or N for invoice distributions that Approval has not tested or T for distributions that have been tested or A for distributions that have been tested and approved. Invoice distributions may be interfaced over/from Oracle Assets or Oracle Projects. Your Oracle Payables application sets the ASSETS_ADDITION_FLAG to U for distributions not tested by Oracle Assets; Oracle Assets then adjusts this flag after it tests a distribution for assignment as an asset.
To avoid the same invoice distribution being interfaced to both Oracle Projects and Oracle Assets, you must interface any project–related invoice distribution to Oracle Projects before you can interface it to Oracle Assets. If the project–related invoice distribution is charged to a capital project in Oracle Projects, Oracle Projects sets the ASSET_ADDITION_FLAG to P when the PA_ADDITION_FLAG is set to Y, Z or T. Oracle Assets only picks up invoice distributions with the ASSET_ADDITION_FLAG set to U and if project–related, with the PA_ADDITION_FLAG set to Y, Z, or T. PA_ADDITION_FLAG tracks the status of project–related supplier invoice distribution lines and expense report distribution lines.
For supplier invoice distributions entered via Oracle Payables, the PA_ADDITION_FLAG is set to N if the distribution is project–related, otherwise it is set to E and it is updated by Oracle Projects when the distribution is processed by the Oracle Projects Interface Supplier Invoice process. Oracle Projects sets the PA_ADDITION_FLAG to Y or Z after the item is successfully processed, or may be set to a rejection code if the line is rejected during transfer to Oracle Projects; see QuickCodes listing for all the errors. You must correct the rejection reason an try to retransfer the line. For supplier invoice adjustment lines interfaced from Oracle Projects to Oracle Payables (which must net to zero with another line), the value for the PA_ADDITION_FLAG is set to T. For expense report distributions interfaced from Oracle Projects to Oracle Payables via Invoice Import, this value is set to N. This row is never picked up by the Interface Supplier Invoices process based on the AP_INVOICES.INVOICE_TYPE_LOOKUP_CODE = EXPENSEREPORT. For expense report adjustment lines interfaced from Oracle Projects to Oracle Payables which net to zero with another line, thisvalue is set to T. Both lines are associated with the original invoice by the Oracle Projects Interface Expense Reports to AP process. Values for the ENCUMBERED_FLAG are as follows:

- Y indicates aregular distribution that has been successfully encumbered by Payables;
- W indicates a regular distribution that has been encumbered in advisory mode even though insufficient funds existed;
- H indicates a regular distribution that has not been encumbered because it was put on hold;
- Nor null indicates a regular line that has not been encumbered because it has not been looked at yet;
- D is the same as Y for a reversal distribution line;
- X is the same as W for a reversal distribution line;
- P is the same as H for a reversal distribution line;
- R indicates a line to be ignored by encumbrance and approval code because neither the original nor the reversal distributions were looked at and they offset each other so, they can be ignored.

AP_PAYMENT_SCHEDULES_ALL contains information about scheduled payments for an invoice. You need one row for each time you intend to make a payment on an invoice. Your Oracle Payables application uses this information to determine when to make payments on an invoice and how much to pay in an automatic payment batch. Values for HOLD_FLAG may be ’Y’ to place a hold on the scheduled payment, or ’N’ not to do so. Values for PAYMENT_STATUS_FLAG may be ’Y’ for fully paid payment schedules, ’N’ for unpaid scheduled payments, or ’P’ for partially paid scheduled payments. For converted records, enter a value for AMOUNT_REMAINING.

AP_HOLDS_ALL contains information about holds that you or your Oracle Payables application place on an invoice. For non–matching holds, there is one row for each hold placed on an invoice. For matching holds, there is one row for each hold placed on an invoice–shipment match. An invoice may have one or more corresponding rows in this table. Your Oracle Payables application does not pay invoices that have one or more unreleased holds recorded in this table. This table holds information referenced by the Invoice Holds window. In the strictest sense, AP_HOLDS_ALL has no primary key. It is possible for your Oracle Payables application to place a certain type of hold on an invoice, then release it, then place another hold of the same type (if data changes before each submission of Approval), which would result in a duplicate primary key. But for practical purposes, the primary key is a concatenation of INVOICE_ID, LINE_LOCATION_ID,and HOLD_LOOKUP_CODE.

An accounting entry line is an entity containing a proper accounting entry with debits or credits both in transaction currency as well as functional currency along with an account and other reference information pointing to the transaction data that originated the accounting entry line. An accounting entry line is grouped with other accounting entry lines for a specific accounting entry header. Any such group of accounting entry lines should result in balanced entries in the functional currency.

An accounting entry header is an entity grouping all accounting entry lines created for a given accounting event and a particular set of books. An accounting entry header can either be transferred over to GL or not at all. That is, either all its accounting entry lines are transferred or none at all. The transferred to GL status is marked in the GL_TRANSFER_FLAG. Possible values for GL_TRANSFER_FLAG are Y, N, or E. Y indicates that the accounting entry header has been transferred to GL. N indicates that the accounting entry header has not been transferred to GL due to 2 possible reasons: either the transfer process has not run or it has run but the accounting entry had an accounting error on it. E indicates that an error was encountered during the transfer to GL process.








FA_DEPRN_PERIODS contains information about your depreciation periods. Oracle Assets uses this table to determine when each period in FA_CALENDARS was open for a depreciation book. PERIOD_OPEN_DATE and PERIOD_CLOSE_DATE are the dates when you opened and closed each book’s depreciation period. Each time you run the depreciation program, it closes the current period by setting PERIOD_CLOSE_DATE to the system date. It also opens the next period by inserting a new row into this table in which PERIOD_CLOSE_DATE is NULL and PERIOD_OPEN_DATE equals the PERIOD_CLOSE_DATE of the old row. CALENDAR_PERIOD_OPEN_DATE and CALENDAR_PERIOD_CLOSE_DATE correspond to your calendar as defined by the START_DATE and END_DATE columns in FA_CALENDAR_PERIODS.

FA_DEPRN_SUMMARY contains depreciation information for your assets. Each time you run the depreciation program, it inserts one row into thistable for each asset. PERIOD_COUNTER is the period for which you ran the depreciation program. DEPRN_AMOUNT is the depreciation expense for an asset in a depreciation period. It is the sum of DEPRN_AMOUNT in all the rows of FA_DEPRN_DETAIL for the asset and period. YTD_DEPRN is the accumulated depreciation of an asset for the current fiscal year as of the end of this period. DEPRN_RESERVE is the total accumulated depreciation for this asset. DEPRN_SOURCE_CODE tells you what program created the row BOOKS Created by the Depreciation Books form, Quick Additions form, or the post mass additions program when you enter a new asset. DEPRN Created by the depreciation program when you run depreciation. ADJUSTED_COST is the depreciable basis the depreciation program uses to calculate depreciation for an asset in a depreciation period. This value is the same as the asset’s recoverable cost, except for assets that use a diminishing value depreciation method, assets to which you have made an amortized adjustment, and assets you have revalued.
For assets that use a diminishing value method, the ADJUSTED_COST is the beginning of year net book value, which the depreciation program updates at the start of each fiscal year. When you perform an amortized adjustment on an asset or revalue it, the ADJUSTED_COST becomes the asset’s net book value at the time of the adjustment or revaluation. BONUS_RATE is the bonus rate that Oracle Assets adds to the adjusted rate to give you the flat rate for the fiscal year. The depreciation program uses this rate to calculate depreciation for an asset. This only applies to assets that use both a flat–rate depreciation method and bonus depreciation.

FA_ADDITIONS_B contains descriptive information to help you identify your assets. Oracle Assets does not use this table to calculate depreciation.When you add an asset, Oracle Assets inserts a row into this table and into FA_ASSET_HISTORY. When you change the asset information stored in this table, Oracle Assets updates it in this table. It also creates a new row in FA_ASSET_HISTORY. When you perform a unit retirement, Oracle Assets reduces the CURRENT_UNITS by the units retired. UNIT_ADJUSTMENT_FLAG is set to YES by the Additions form if you change the number of units for an asset. The Transfers form resets it to NO after you reassign the remaining units. FA_ADJUSTMENTS stores information that Oracle Assets needs to create journal entries for transactions. The posting program creates journal entries for regular depreciation expense from information in FA_DEPRN_DETAIL. Oracle Assets inserts a row in this table for the debit and credit sides of a financial transaction. All the rows for the same transaction have the same value in the TRANSACTION_HEADER_ID column. The SOURCE_TYPE_CODE column tells you which program created the adjustment:
- ADDITION Depreciation program
- ADJUSTMENT Expensed or Amortized Adjustment User Exit
- CIP ADDITION Depreciation program
- CIP ADJUSTMENT Expensed or Amortized Adjustment User Exit
- CIP RETIREMENT Gain/loss program
- DEPRECIATION Depreciation program (Retroactive transactions andexpensed depreciation adjustments)
- RETIREMENT Gain/loss program
- RECLASS Reclassification user exit
- TRANSFER Transfers form
- TAX Reserve Adjustments form
- REVALUATION Mass revaluation program
The ADJUSTMENT_TYPE column tells you which type of account Oracle Assets adjusts. DEBIT_CREDIT_FLAG is DR if the amount is a debit and CR if the amount is a credit. ADJUSTMENT_AMOUNT is the amount debited or credited to the account. ANNUALIZED_ADJUSTMENT is the adjustment amount for a period times the number of periods in a fiscal year. The depreciation program uses it to calculate the depreciation adjustment for an asset when you perform multiple retroactive transactions on the asset. Oracle Assets calculates ADJUSTMENT_PER_PERIOD by dividing the ADJUSTMENT_AMOUNT for a retroactive transaction by the numberof periods between the period you entered the transaction and the period that it was effective. For current period transactions, this columnis zero. PERIOD_COUNTER_CREATED IS the period that you entered the adjustment into Oracle Assets. PERIOD_COUNTER_ADJUSTED is the period to which the adjustment applies. It is the same as PERIOD_COUNTER_CREATED, unless you enter a reserve adjustment, in which case PERIOD_COUNTER_ADJUSTED is the last period of the fiscal year to which the adjustment applies. CODE_COMBINATION_ID indicates the Accounting Flexfield combination Oracle Assets debits or credits for all transactions except reclassifications and intercompany transfers. This CODE_COMBINATION_ID is generated using the Account Generator, and the posting program does not perform any further processing.

FA_BOOKS contains the information that Oracle Assets needs to calculate depreciation. When you initially add an asset, Oracle Assets inserts one row into the table. This becomes the ”active” row for the asset. Whenever you use the Depreciation Books form to change the asset’s depreciation information, or if you retire or reinstate it, Oracle Assets inserts another row into the table, which then becomes the new ”active” row, and marks the previous row as obsolete.
At any point in time, there is only one ”active” row in the table for an asset in any given depreciation book. Generally, Oracle Assets uses the active row, but if you run a report for a prior accounting period, Oracle Assets selects the row that was active during that period. You can identify the active row for anasset in a book because it is the only one whose DATE_INEFFECTIVE and TRANSACTION_HEADER_ID_OUT are NULL. When Oracle Assets terminates a row, the DATE_INEFFECTIVE and TRANSACTION_HEADER_OUT are set to the DATE_EFFECTIVE and TRANSACTION_HEADER_IN of the new row, respectively. This means that you can easily identify rows affected by the same transaction because they have the same DATE_EFFECTIVE / DATE_INEFFECTIVE and TRANSACTION_HEADER_ID_IN / TRANSACTION_HEADER_ID_OUT pairs.
When Oracle Assets creates the new row, the value used for the TRANSACTION_HEADER_ID_IN column is the same as the TRANSACTION_HEADER_ID in the row inserted into FA_TRANSACTION_HEADERS, and the DATE_EFFECTIVE is the system date. When you retire an asset, Oracle Assets inserts a new row to reduce the COST by the amount retired. When you reinstate an asset, Oracle Assets inserts a new row to increase the COST by the COST_RETIRED in the corresponding row in FA_RETIREMENTS.RATE_ADJUSTMENT_FACTOR is originally 1. It is used to spread depreciation over the remaining life of an asset after an amortization or revaluation. If you perform a revaluation or an amortized adjustment, Oracle Assets resets the Rate Adjustment Factor to prorate the remaining recoverable net book value over the remaining life.
This fraction is calculated as [Recoverable Cost – what Depreciation Reserve would be]/Recoverable Cost. The depreciation program uses this value to adjust the depreciation rate for an asset.
FA_CATEGORIES_B stores information about your asset categories. This table provides default information when you add an asset. The depreciation program does not use this information to calculate depreciation.The Asset Categories form inserts one row in this table for each asset category you define. The Application Object Library table FND_ID_FLEX_SEGMENTS stores information about which column in this table is used for each segment.
FA_DEPRN_DETAIL contains the depreciation amounts that the depreciation program charges to the depreciation expense account in each distribution line.
Oracle Assets uses this information to create depreciation expense journal entries for your general ledger.The depreciation program inserts one row per distribution line for an asset each time you run depreciation.
For example, if you assign an asset to two different cost centers, the depreciation program inserts two rows in this table for the asset.
DEPRN_AMOUNT is the amount of depreciation expense calculated forthis distribution line.
YTD_DEPRN is the year–to–date depreciation allocated to thisdistribution line.When you add an asset, Oracle Assets inserts a row into this table for the period before the current period. This row has the asset cost in the ADDITION_COST_TO_CLEAR column and a DEPRN_SOURCE_CODE of ’B’. This column is used for reporting on new assets. When you run depreciation, Oracle Assets transfers the cost to the COST column in the current period row, this row has a DEPRN_SOURCE_CODE of ’D’.


FND_ID_FLEXS stores registration information about key flexfields. Each row includes the four–character code that identifies the key flexfield, the title of the flexfield (by which a user identifies theflexfield), the name of the combinations table that contains the key flexfield columns, and the name of the structure defining (MultiFlex) column for the flexfield (SET_DEFINING_COLUMN_NAME). Each row also contains values that identify the application that owns the combination table and the application that owns the key flexfield, a table–type flag that specifies whether the combinations table is specificor generic (S or G), whether dynamic inserts are feasible for the flexfield(Y or N), whether the key flexfield can use ID type value sets, and the name of the unique ID column in the combinations table. You need one row for each key flexfield in each application. Oracle Application ObjectLibrary uses this information to generate a compiled key flexfield definition
FND_ID_FLEX_SEGMENTS stores setup information about keyflexfield segments, as well as the correspondences between application table columns and the key flexfield segments the columns are used for. Each row includes a flexfield application identifier, the flexfield code,which identifies the key flexfield, the structure number(ID_FLEX_NUM), the value set application identifier, the segment number (the segment’s sequence in the flexfield window), the name of the column the segment corresponds to (usually SEGMENTn, where n is an integer). Each row also includes the segment name, whether security is enabled for the segment, whether the segment is required, whether the segment is one of a high, low segment pair, whether the segment is displayed, whether the segment is enabled (Y or N), type of default value, display information about the segment such as prompts and display size, and the value set the segment uses. Each row also includes a flag for whether the table column is indexed; this value is normally Y. You need one row for each segment of each structure for each flexfield. Oracle Application Object Library uses this information to generate a compiled key flexfield definition to store in the FND_COMPILED_ID_FLEXS table

FND_ID_FLEX_STRUCTURES stores structure information about keyflexfields. Each row includes the flexfield code and the structurenumber (ID_FLEX_NUM), which together identify the structure, and the name and description of the structure. Each row also includes values that indicate whether the flexfield structure is currently frozen, whether rollup groups are frozen (FREEZE_STRUCTURED_HIER_FLAG), whether users can dynamically insert new combinations of segment values through the flexfield pop–up window, and whether the flexfield should use segment cross–validation rules. Each row also contains information about shorthand flexfield entry for this structure, including whether shorthand entry is enabled, the prompt for the shorthand window, and the length of the shorthand alias field in the shorthandwindow. You need one row for each structure of each key flexfield. Oracle Application Object Library uses this information to generate acompiled key flexfield definition to store in the FND_COMPILED_ID_FLEXS table

FND_FLEX_VALUES stores valid values for key and descriptive flexfield segments. Oracle Application Object Library uses this table when users define values for independent or dependent type value sets. Oracle Application Object Library also uses this table when users define parent values for ranges of child values that exist in a validation table(Oracle Application Object Library stores the parent values in this table). Each row includes the value (FLEX_VALUE) and its hierarchy level if applicable as well as the identifier of the value set the value belongs to. If the value is a dependent value, PARENT_FLEX_VALUE_LOW contains the independent value this value depends upon. Oracle Application Object Library does not use the PARENT_FLEX_VALUE_HIGH column. If ENABLED_FLAG contains N, this value is currently invalid, regardless of the start and end dates.
If ENABLED_FLAG contains Y, the start and end dates indicate if this value is currently valid.
SUMMARY_FLAG indicates if this value is a parent value that has child values, and STRUCTURED_HIERARCHY_LEVEL contains the rollup group the parent value belongs to, if any (1 through 9). COMPILED_VALUE_ATTRIBUTES contains the compiled values of anysegment qualifiers assigned to this value. These values are in a special Oracle Application Object Library format, and you should never modify them.
VALUE_CATEGORY and ATTRIBUTE1 through ATTRIBUTE50 are descriptive flexfield columns, where VALUE_CATEGORY is the context (structure defining) column.
These descriptive flexfield columns do not contain values unless you have defined the descriptive flexfield at your site. You need one row for each independent, dependent or parent value belonging to a value set.
Oracle Application Object Library uses this information to ensure that users enter valid values in flexfield segments

FND_FLEX_VALUE_HIERARCHIES stores information about child value ranges for key flexfield segment values. Each row includes an identification of the parent value the range belongs to, as well as the low and high values that make up the range of child values. FLEX_VALUE_SET_ID identifies the value set to which the parent value belongs. You need one row for each range of child values (you can have more than one row for each parent value). Oracle Application Object Library provides this information for applications reporting purposes.


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